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Wildfire News Of The Day Newsletter

Wildfire News Of The Day provides valuable information to thousands of readers who represent fire agencies, fire businesses, fire researchers, and nonprofits on six continents. Subscribers include the United Nation's Global Fire Monitoring Center, Australia's National Aerial Firefighting Centre, the International Association of Fire Chiefs, and Australia's Bushfire and Natural Hazards Cooperative Research Centre, to name a few.

And whenever a subscriber submits a newsworthy story, they are credited in Wildfire News Of The Day, raising the visibility of the submitter within the firefighting community. With new studies, new reports on fires, and technological breakthroughs in the war on wildfire, it's hard to keep up. Wildfire News Of The Day helps you stay on top of breaking stories. But don't just take it from me, see what some of its readers have to say!

Orange County Fire Authority

"The best wildfire newsletter I've seen in 32 years in the fire service. I rely on the information and share key stories that may affect us locally and/or support some of our initiatives. I find that I am more knowledgeable and current than just about anyone I know, many times more current than some of the agencies themselves. I have to tell you, it truly is the best and most comprehensive up-to-date information available concerning wildland fire."

- Chief Brian Fennessy, Orange County Fire Authority

California Chaparral Institute

"Mike, thanks again for your outstanding Wildfire News of the Day bulletin. With the constant stream of information being thrown at us, it is impossible to stay on top of it all. However, I rarely miss important fire news because of your service. For example, although we closely watch the development of fire plans in California, we were unaware that CalFire had just released for comment their new resource management plan. Your bulletin let us know. Once again, Wildfire News of the Day has proven to be invaluable"

- Richard Halsey, Director, California Chaparral Institute

Erickson Air-Crane

"I think this is great information - especially for positioning purposes for aircraft"

- Tim Stinson, Business Operations Manager, Erickson Air-Crane

Thermo Gel

"You provide a very good and informative newsletter"

- Chad Nelson, National Sales Director, Thermo Technologies (Thermo Gel)